Alphabetical Index of the Identification Chart for
the Rock-Forming Minerals by Polarizing Microscope

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2009/09/25 established, 2013/10/07 revised

This mineral identification chart was first compiled by Ishiwatari (1999) and later published by the Geological Society of Japan with a sponsorship of the Meiji Techno Co. Ltd. in 2001 as a colored plastic plate. The plastic plate has been printed several times since then, and thousands of its copies have been distributed worldwide, partly attached to the Company's polarizing microscopes. Although the chart is convenient and helpful in identifying minerals with a polarizing microscope, it is not easy to find a particular mineral in mind among more than 200 mineral names arranged in this chart. In the occasion of 10th anniversary of the chart, I provide an alphabetical list of the minerals that appear in this chart with vertical (1-8) and horizontal (A-H) coordination that is marked in the margins of the chart. This list will help users to locate a mineral in the identification chart by its name. The list includes a few minerals to be added in a future revision. Suggestions and comments of the users are welcome (e-mail to Ishiwatari).


Ishiwatari, A. (1999) An easy identification chart for major rock-forming minerals by polarizing microscope. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, 105, 156-158 (in Japanese with English chart).

Alphabetical Index of the Identification Chart for the Rock-Forming Minerals by Polarizing Microscope
Actinolite 6E Clinoptilolite* 1C Kotoite  3B Pumpellyite 2C,6C,7C
Aegirine (aug.) 7E(6D) Clinopyroxene 3B-3D, Kyanite 3E Pyrite H
Aenigmatite 5C,5D   6D,7E,8C Lamprophyllite 7C Pyrochlore 7A, 2A#
Åkermanite 2B Clinozoisite 3C,7C Larnite 2C Pyrophyllite^ 3F
Al-Spinel 6A Coesite  3C Laumontite* 1F Pyrrhotite H
Albite 1D Common Hor. 5E,5F,6E Lawsonite 3D Quartz 1B
Allanite 5D,5E Cordierite 1E Lazurite 4A, 4E Resin 1A
Alum 1A Corundum 2G Lepidolite 3F Rhodizite# 2A#
Alunite 3B Cr-Spinel 5A Leucite 1A,1B Rhodonite 3D
Analcite* 1A Cristobalite 1A,1G Limonite 7A Richterite 5F
Anatase 7G Crossite 4F,4G Ludwigite# 6B# Riebeckite 4D,4E
Andalusite 2E, 6D Cryolite 1C Magnesite 3G Rutile 7B
Anhydrite 1C Cummingtonite 3D,3E Magnetite H Sanidine 1F
Anorthite 1E Cuprite 8A Malachite 6F Sapphirine 4E
Anorthoclase 1F Danburite 2E Manganosite 6A Scapolite 1G
Anthophyllite 3D,3E Datolite 2E Margarite 3F Scheelite 3B
Antlerite 6C Diamond 3A Melanite 5A,5D,5E Scolecite* 1F
Apatite 2G Diaspore 2D Melilite 2B,2G Sepiolite^ 1G
Apophyllite 1C Diopside 3C Mesolite* 1D Sericite^ 3G
Aragonite 3F Dolomite 3G Microcline 1E Serpentine^ 3F,6F
Arfvedsonite 4F,4G Enstatite 3D Monazite 5B,5C Siderite 3G
Astrophyllite 7D Epidote 7C-7F Monticellite 2E Sillimanite 2C
Augite  3C Epistilbite* 1E Mordenite* 1D Smectite^ 3F
Axinite 2E Eudialyte 2B,8B Mullite 2C Sodalite 1A
Azurite 4D Fe-Hornblende 5F Muscovite 3F Sphene 2C,5C
Barite 3C Fenaksite 1E Natrolite* 1D Spinel 5A,6A
Barkevikite 5F Fluorite 1A Nepheline 1G Staurolite 7D
Barroisite 6F Forsterite 2D Nosean 1A Stilbite* 1F
Beryl 2G Garnet 2A,5A,8A Olivine 2D Stilpnomelane 5G,6G
Biotite 5G,6G,8C Gedrite 3E Omphacite 6D Stishovite 2B
Boehmite 2F Gehlenite 2G Opal 1A Talc^ 3G
Brucite 3B Glauconite 7G Opaque Min. H Thomsonite* 1C
Bustamite 8F Glaucophane 4F,4G Orthoclase 1F Thorite 5B
Calcite 3G Graphite H Orthopyroxene 3D,3E,8E Titanaugite  8C
Canasite 1E Grunelite 3E Osumilite 4B Titanite 2C,5C
Cancrinite 1G Gypsum 1C Paragonite 3F Topaz 2C
Cassiterite 5B Haüyne 4A Pargasite 5D Tourmaline 4G,5G
Catapleite 1C Hedenbergite 6C Pectolite 2D Tremolite 3E
Celestite 3C Helvite 3A,7A Periclase 3A Tridymite 1C,1D
Cement Resin 1A Hematite 8G,H Perovskite 5A,5D,2A# Turquoise 4C
Chabazite* 1B,1G Hercynite 6A Perthite 1F Vesuvianite 3G
Chalcedony 1B Heulandite* 1B Petalite 1D Viridine# 6D#
Chalcopyrite H Hornblende 5E,5F,6E Phenakite 2B Wairakite* 1E
Chlorite 6B,6G Humite 2D Phengite 3G Winchite 4F
Chloritoid 4C,4D,6C Hypersthene 8E Phillipsite* 1D Wollastonite 3F
Chondrodite 2D Illite^ 3G^ Phlogopite 5G,6G Xenotime-Y 7B
Chromite 5A Ilmenite H Piemontite 8D Yoderite 4C
Chrysoberyl 2D Jadeite 3D Pigeonite 3B Zeolite Group* 1A-1G
Clay Minerals^ 2F,3F,3G Kaliophilite 1G Pistacite 7F Zircon 2B
Clinoenstatite 3C Kalsilite 1G Plagioclase 1D,1E Zoisite 3B
Clinohumite 2D Kaolinite^ 3F Prehnite 3D Zunyite 2A
^Clay Minerals   *Zeolite Group   #To be added      


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