Japanese-Russian Workshop Symposium

Supported by: Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Tohoku University Global COE Program “Global Education and Research Center for Earth and Planetary Dynamics”, and Centre for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University


“Northern Pacific-Rim Ophiolites and their Ocean-Floor Analogues”


Place: Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University

Kawauchi 41, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576 Japan

Meeting Room #436 (4th Floor)


Time: Monday-Thursday, February 7-10, 2011




Organizers: Akira Ishiwatari, Naoto Hirano, Yasutaka Hayasaka, Sumiaki Machi, Sergey D. Sokolov and Galina V. Ledneva


[Akira ISHIWATARI] [Top] [Ishiwatari Laboratory] [CNEAS] [Dept. Earth Sci.] [Tohoku Univ.]


This symposium and the associated field trip have been successfully completed. I thank all participants, supporting staffs and students of our lab. Here I attach some photos of the symposium and field trip.



Prof. Motoyuki Sato, Director of the Center for Northeast Asian Studies, gives opening remarks.



Participants of the symposium.



Banquet after the symposium (in CNEAS)



Submarine landslide outcrop in the Boso Peninsula (field guide: Dr. Yuzuru Yamamoto)



Explanation board of the submarine landslide outcrop.



Outcrop of flame structure in the sedimentary rocks of the Boso Peninsula (field guide: Dr. Yuzuru Yamamoto (center, facing)



Flame structure.



Outcrop of amphibole schist in the Kamogawa Harbor, Boso Peninsula. (field guide: Dr. Naoto Hirano)



Pillow lava of the Mineoka ophiolite (field guide: Dr. Naoto Hirano)




Participants of the field trip to the Boso Peninsula



Participated students and our bus.



Cover of the abstract volume.






2011/02/18 ESTABLISHED,  2011/02/18 REVISED