Ishiwatari's papers cited in textbooks

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2013/07/05 Established, 2013/07/05 Renewed

1. Nicolas, A. (1989) Structures of Ophiolites and Dynamics of Oceanic Lithosphere. Kluwer Academic Publisher. 367 pp.
Cited paper: Ishiwatari (1985) EPSL, 76, 93-108. Citations: pp. 187, 193.

2. Carlson, R. W. (ed) (2005) The Mantle and Core. Elsevier Treatise on Geochemistry 2. Chapter 2.04.
Bodinier, J.-L., Godard, M.: Orogenic, Ophiolitic, and Abyssal Peridotites.
Cited paper: Ishiwatari (1985) CMP, 89, 155-167, Ishiwatari (1994) Proc. 29th Intn. Geol. Cong. Part D. Citations: p. 113, 115.

3. Hefferan, K. and O'Brien, J. (2010) Earth Materials. Wiley-Blackwell. 608 pp.
Cited paper: Ishiwatari and Ichiyama (2004) International Geology Review, 46, 316-331. Citatation: p. 283.

This list is not based on any extensive survey, and there may be missing citations.