도호쿠대학Center for Northeast Asian Studies.도호쿠대학 동북아시아연구센터language
동북아시아연구센터에 대하여

Miyamoto Tsuyoshi Miyamoto Tsuyoshi
Assistant Professor

Petrology of volcanic rocks, volcanic geology

Fieldwork on the origins of the volcanoes in Northeast Asia and the impact of volcanic eruptions on the environment

Volcanic eruptions often result in widespread disaster for surrounding areas. There are a number of volcanoes in the Northeast Asian region, so to learn about the impact of these eruptions on the natural environment (and human history), I am studying the history of volcanic activity in this region by examining Mt. Paektu on the China-North Korea border and the volcanoes of southern Kyushu, Japan. Particularly regarding Mt. Paektu, focusing on the massive eruption said to have taken place in the tenth century?one of the world’s largest eruptions in the last two thousand years?I am engaged in field surveys in China and North Korea to investigate how the eruption occurred and its impact on the environment (e.g., environmental change) as our knowledge of the eruption of Mt. Paektu gradually becomes more complete.

“Heavenly Lake” in the caldera of Mt. Paektu as seen from the summit on the west side. The border between China and North Korea lies at the center of the opposite shore, with North Korea off to the right (Photo: Nagase Toshiro)
“Heavenly Lake” in the caldera of Mt. Paektu as seen from the summit on the west side. The border between China and North Korea lies at the center of the opposite shore, with North Korea off to the right (Photo: Nagase Toshiro)

Principal areas of interest
Study of the great tenth century eruption of Mt. Paektu
Reexamination of history of volcanic activity of Mt. Paektu over the past few thousand years
Volcanic eruptions and volcano lore
The history of magma development of island-arc volcanoes (Japan)
뉴스레터 최신호
교통 액세스


일본국 미야기현 센다이시 아오바구 가와우치 41번지

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