Университет ТохокуЦентр исследований северовосточной АзииЦентр Исследований Северо-Восточной Азии (ЦИСВА), Университет Тохокуlanguage 한국어 日本語 English 中文 Русский
Общие сведения о ЦИСВА Профессорско-преподавательский состав Научные исследования Проектные исследования Совместные исследования, проводящиеся на данный момент База данных исследований Учебная деятельность Публикации Международный академический обмен Библиотека Ссылки

Проектные научные исследования ЦИСВА

(1) Establishment of the Atmospheric Environment Management Scheme in Northeast Asia
(2014-2019 Leader: ASUKA Jusen)
(2) Research Unit for the Multidisciplinary Study of Continuities and Similarities among Geology and "Rock"-using Culture in Northeast Asia
(2016-2020 Leader:TSUJIMORI Tatsuki)
(3) Unit for the collaborative study on the environment and the resources of Northeast Asia
(2016-2020 Leader:OKA Hiroki)
(4) Unit for Anthropological Studies on the Social Change and the Cultural Persistence in East Asia
(2017-2020 Leader:SEGAWA Masahisa)
(5) Disaster Humanities Unit
(2017-2022 Leader:TAKAKURA Hiroki)
(6) Archaeological Survey by Advanced Science
(2018-2022 Leader:SATO Motoyuki)
(7) Research Unit on 20th Century Eurasian History
(2018-2020 Leader:UENO Toshihiro)

Projects completed in 2016
(1) Research Unit for 20th Century History of Russia and China
(2012-2016 Leader: TERAYAMA Kyosuke)
(2) Research Unit for the Study of Language and Cultural Heritage in Northeast Asia
(2013-2016 Leader: KURIBAYASHI Hitoshi)
(3) Applied humanities on the local cultural heritage struck by disaster
(2014-2016 Leader: TAKAKURA Hiroki)
(4) Research Unit for Constructing the Areal Concept of the 21st Century Northeast Asia
(2009-2015 Leader: OKA Hiroki)
(5) Unit for Cultural Anthropological Study on the Social Change in Contemporary China
(2012-2015 Leader: SEGAWA Masahisa)
(6) Research Unit for Disaster Mitigation by Radio Science
(2013-2015 Leader: SATO Motoyuki)
(7) Image Database of Texts and Pictures on Publishing Culture Research Unit
(2013-2015 Leader: ISOBE Akira)
(8) Study on possible geoparks in Northeast Asia
(2014-2016 Leader: ISHIWATARI Akira)
(9) Research Unit for CO2 Reduction System by the Management of Forest Fire
(2011-2013 Leader: KUDO Jun-ichi)
(10) Research Unit of the Interaction between Human Ecology and Technology in Siberia Societies
(2009-2013 Leader: TAKAKURA Hiroki)

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Центр исследований Северо-Восточной Азии (ЦИСВА/CNEAS)

41 Kawauchi Aoba-ku,
Sendai Miyagi, 980-8576, Japan
Tel: +81-22-795-6009,3707
Fax: +81-22-795-6010