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Профессорско-преподавательский состав

Shikano Shuichi

Shikano Shuichi
Associate professor

Microbial ecology, system ecology

Relationship of Microorganism Communities to Environmental Conditions of Lakes, Wetlands, and Other Aquatic Ecosystems of Northeast Asia

Bacteria and other microorganisms typically live in communities composed of several species adapted to that particular environment. Such communities are highly sensitive to shifts in conditions around them, thus providing effective barometers for gauging environmental change. My research applies DNA base sequence classification and other techniques to study what microorganism communities can reveal about environmental changes in such locations as the Chany system of inland saltwater lakes in western Siberia (each of which have different salinity), Lake Katanuma (an acidic crater lake in Miyagi prefecture containing high concentrations of dissolved volcanic gases), and brackish wetlands.

Analysis by water depth of the distribution of a simple community of acidophilic bacteria found in an acid lake. The lateral-striped bands correspond to different species of bacteria.

Analysis by water depth of the distribution of a simple community of acidophilic bacteria found in an acid lake. The lateral-striped bands correspond to different species of bacteria.

Principal areas of interest
Relationship between microorganism communities and water salinity in the Lake Chany system
Microorganism communities of acid lakes
Sulfate-reducing bacteria communities of tidal mud flats
Environmental monitoring of Chany lakes using NOAA satellite images
Changes in water quality of Lake Katanuma

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Центр исследований Северо-Восточной Азии (ЦИСВА/CNEAS)

41 Kawauchi Aoba-ku,
Sendai Miyagi, 980-8576, Japan
Tel: +81-22-795-6009,3707
Fax: +81-22-795-6010