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Comparative Studies on the Transformation of Socio-Politics Structure due to the Occurrence of Natural Disasters
(2018-2018 Leader: NAITO Hiroko)
A multidisciplinary study of sustainable maintenance of geo-heritage: Folk religion of regional metamorphic rocks
(2018-2018 Leader: TSUJIMORI Tatsuki)
“Humanity” and the Problems of Use of Animal Resources in Asia, Particularly Northeast Asia:From the Perspective of Subsistence, Entertainment, and Luxury
(2018-2018 Leader: TSUJI Takashi)
Technological adaptation of “Rock”-using Culture to the geological variability in Northeast Asia.
(2018-2018 Leader: Hyewon Hong)
Rules and Models: Modernization and Coexistence in Northeast Asia
(2018-2018 Leader: TAKAYAMA Yoko)
The construction of next step Geo-tourism for forming Minami-Sanriku Sendai-wan Geopark
(2017-2019 Leader:MIYAMOTO Tsuyoshi)
A Study of Russians-speaking People outside of Russia through Their Oral Histories: Their Oral Languages and Cultural Shifts
(2017-2019 Leader:YANAGIDA Kenji)
GPR Archaeological Survey
(2017-2019 Leader:SATO Motoyuki)
Migration and Boom: What did immigrants bring in and bring buck ?
(2017-2019 Leader:KAWAGUCHI Yukihiro)
Comparative study on the historical context of the imperial rule of the Qing in the regions of the Northeast Asia
(2017-2019 Leader:OKA Hiroki)
Geothermal and geochemical monitoring on the activity of Zao Volcano
(2017-2019 Leader:GOTO Akio)
Study on the Historical Consciousness of Chinese in the Compilation of Genealogies
(2017-2020 Leader:SEGAWA Masahisa)
Social environment originated from forearc magmas at the Nemuro Peninsula to Habomai Island
(2017-2018 Leader:HIRANO Naoto)
Japanese soft-power in Northeast Asia
(2016-2018 Leader:ISHII Atsushi)
Collaborative Empirical Research of the Processes for the Regeneration, Creation and Sustainability of Communities hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake
(2016-2018 Leader:TAKAKURA Hiroki)
Study on the Community Formation in the Multi-Ethnic Northeast Asian Border Areas.
(2015-2018 Leader:OKA Hiroki)
Potential of the coal consumption reduction policy in China on mitigation of both air pollution and climate change
(2014-2019 Leader: ASUKA Jusen)
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