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nav Vol.23 The Formation of Russian Far East - from the trilogy about “ Priamur governor general” by N.I.Dubinina, Terayama Kyosuke, 2010
Introducing the contents of bibliographies in detail, written by N.I. Dubinina, about three governors general of Priamur General governorship (1884-1917) established to administer the Russian Far East, this book intends to present the history of this region after Russia’s entering into the Northeast Asia by acquiring the Priamur and Primorie at the half of 19th century.

nav Reindeer !, Reindeer !!, Dear Reindeer !!!: Creating the new interface between Academics and Civil Society, eds. Chiba Mayumi, Tokuda Yukako and Takakura Hiroki, 2010
Proceedings of the CNEAS public event in December 2008 in Sendai Mediatheque, where Siberian ethnographic specimens and photographs with the replica of the office of the anthropologist of the exhibition organizer were exhibited. The process of the preparation and the exhibition itself are documented. The authors also show the way to involve the students and nonacademic professionals with the project. It can be read as a manual for anthropologists and the area studies researchers to organize the similar events to the public.

 Center for
 Northeast Asian Studies
 Tohoku University

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 Tel: +81-22-795-6009, 3707
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