Proceedings of public lectures held at CNEAS and miscellaneous popular reports, irregular publication. |
Vol.1 |
Novoshibirusuku wa ima [Novosibirsk, Now], eds. Tokunaga Masahiro and Tokuda Masanori, 1999. |
Vol.2 |
Shiberia no kako to mirai [The Past and Future of Siberia], ed. Terayama Kyosuke, 1999. |
Vol.3 |
Eritsuin jidai no Roshia to sono go: Nichi-Ro kankei no tenbo [Yeltsin's Russia and After: The Prospects for the Japanese-Russian Relationship, eds. Tokunaga Masahiro and Tokuda Masanori, 2000. |
Vol.4 |
Shin-seiki no Tohoku Ajia: Nit-Chu-Ro sankoku o meguru kokusai kankei no rekishi to shorai [Northeast Asia in the New Century: The Past and the Future of the Relationship between China, Russia, and Japan], ed. Igaue Naho, 2001. |
Vol.5 |
Roshi to Torusutoi [Lao Tzu and Tolstoy], lecture by Kim Le Tchoun; ed. Yanagida Kenji, 2001. |
Vol.6 |
Tohoku Ajia no kyosei to yutopia [Coexistence and Utopia in Northeast Asia], eds. Terayama Kyosuke and Shiotani Masashi, 2002. |
Vol.7 |
Atarashii chiiki kenkyu o motomete: Tohoku Ajia Kenkyu Senta no genzai to asu e no tenbo [Pioneering New Territory in Area Studies: The Present and Future of the Center for Northeast Asian Studies], ed. Executive Council, CNEAS, 2002. |
Vol.8 |
Nihon to Roshia: Sono rekishi o furikaeru [Japan and Russia: A History in Retrospect], eds. Arata Hirakawa and A. A. Kirichenko, 2003. |
Vol.9 |
Higashi Ajia no hon to sashie [Books and Illustrations in East Asia], eds. Yoshida Tadashi and Isobe Akira, 2004. |
Vol.10 |
Tohoku Ajia “Northeast Asia” no genzai-mirai o kangaeru: Nihon ni okeru “Tohoku Ajia” kankei kikan no tsudoi [Considering the Present and Future of Northeast Asia: Gathering of Northeast Asia-related Organizations and Institutes], ed. Yamada Katsuyoshi, 2004. |
Vol.11 |
Shimin Foramu 2003: Meiji Taisho-ki no Negishi-cho Shiki an kaiwai to sono ato [Citizens Forum 2003: The Neighborhood of “Negishi-cho Shiki-An” in the Meiji-Taisho Eras and After], ed. Isobe Akira, 2004. |
Vol.12 |
Shiberia tsushin 2000-nen-2004-nen [Letters from Siberia, 2000-2004] , ed. Tokuda Yukako, 2004. |
Vol.13 |
Jinko-rodo mondai kara mita Tohoku Ajia to Tonan Ajia: ASEAN+3 no yukue o jinko-rodo mondai kara miru [Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia As Seen from the Perspective of Population and Labor Problems: The Future of ASEAN + 3], ed. Yamada Katsuyoshi, 2004. |
Vol.14 |
Shin gijutsu kaihatsu daijesuto 2001-nen-2004-nen [New Technology Development Digest, 2001-2004], ed. Tokuda Yukako, 2005. |
Vol.15 |
Tohoku Ajia Kenkyu Senta Kyodo kenkyu “Higashi Ajia shuppan bunka no sogo kenkyu” kenkyu seika hokoku “Higashi Ajia shuppan bunka no kenkyu” ni kakawaru kenkyu keika-to no shakai kohyo [Public Reporting on the Progress of Research on “East Asian Publishing Culture Studies”: CNEAS Joint Research], ed. Isobe Akira, 2005. |
Vol.16 |
Sannin no daitoryo to Soren/Roshia: Peresutoroika, Soren hokai, saiko [Three Presidents and the Soviet Union/Russia: Perestroika, the Collapse of the Soviet Union, and Revival], Sergei Papkov , Terayama Kyosuke, Hatakeyama Tadashi, 2006. |
Vol.17 |
Higashi-Shina-kai kinsei gendai shuppan bunka kenkyu (“Higashi Ajia shuppan bunka no sogo kenkyu” hokokusho II) [A Study of Early Modern and Modern Publishing Culture in the East China Sea Area (“East Asian Publishing Culture Studies” CNEAS Joint Research Report II), ed. Isobe Akira, 2007. |
Vol.18 |
Ajia shugi to Dai-Toa senso: Kita Ikki, Okawa Shumei, Ishiwara Kanji, Nakano Seigo (Tohoku Ajia ni okeru Yutopia Shiso to Chiiki no Arikata Kenkyukai koenkai kiroku [Asianism and the Greater East Asia War: Kita Ikki, Okawa Shumei, Ishiwara Kanji, and Nakano Seigo (Records of Lectures on the Joint Research Project “Utopianism and the Regional Formation in Northeast Asia”), sup. ed. Yamada Katsuyoshi, 2007. |
Vol.19 |
Jun-ichi Kudoh, The 100th Anniversary of Tohoku University International Symposium of the 15th Anniversary of the Academic Exchange Agreement between Tohoku University and Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences Report, 2008. |
Vol.23 |
The Formation of Russian Far East - from the trilogy about “ Priamur governor general” by N.I.Dubinina, Terayama Kyosuke, 2010 |
Vol.24 |
Reindeer !, Reindeer !!, Dear Reindeer !!!: Creating the new interface between Academics and Civil Society, eds. Chiba Mayumi, Tokuda Yukako and Takakura Hiroki, 2010 |
Center for
Northeast Asian Studies
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