東北大学 東北アジア研究センター 第1回学生研究交流会

Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University

The 1st Students’ Academic Communication Meeting

Monday, October 20, 2008

[東北大学東北アジア研究センター]  [石渡ページ]  [CNEAS]  [Ishiwatari Page]

[第2回]  [2nd Meeting]


担当教員 Responsible Professors 石渡 明・佐藤源之 Akira Ishiwatari and Motoyuki Sato







(12 Orals (14:00-17:00), 20 Posters (17:10-18:00) and a Get-Together Meeting (18:00-20:00))


口頭発表 Oral Presentations 14:00-17:00 at Lecture Room A-101 in front of CNEAS

(O-1) 14:00-14:15

近世日本における『伝統文化』の研究  PDF


Research of "traditional culture" at the early modern age in Japan

Hiroshi ARIMOTO (Hirakawa Lab.) (D1) [Oral]


(O-2) 14:15-14:30

公共施設最適配置の世代間の相違  PDF


Inter-generation differences of the most accessible public facility locations

Satoshi HORIUCHI (M2), Makoto OKUMURA, and Makoto TSUKAI [Oral]


(O-3) 14:30-14:45

在日コリアンの各世代のコード切り替えの差異について  PDF


The difference of code-switching among generations of Koreans in Japan

Enka, KIN (Yanagida Lab.) [Oral]


(O-4) 14:45-15:00

確率的な需要変動を考慮した対事業所サービス業支社配置のモデル分析  PDF


Model Analysis on Branch Office Location of a Business Service Firm with Stochastic Demand

Naoki TAKADA (M1), Makoto OKUMURA and Makoto TSUKAI [Oral]


(O-5) 15:00-15:15

中国中世の鬼神観について  PDF

佐々木聡 (磯部研究室)

About the sense of ‘GuiShen (Ghosts and Supernatural beings)’ in the medieval China

Satoshi SASAKI (Isobe Lab.) [Oral]


(O-6) 15:15-15:30

IKONOS画像を用いた共1次内挿法を伴う最急降下法による融合処理  PDF


Fusion process by steepest decent method with bi-linear interpolation using IKONOS images

Tomoyuki SASAKI and Jun-ichi KUDOH [Oral]


(O-7) 15:30-15:45

漢族の婚姻儀礼の持続と変化に関する一考察 −福建省福州市の事例から−  PDF


A study of change and continuity in HanChinese marriage ritual: A case from Fuzhou city, Fujian. 

Itoe KANESHIRO (Segawa Lab, D1) [Oral]


(O-8) 15:45-16:00

炭素・窒素安定同位体比を用いたオオクチバス当歳魚の餌資源解析  PDF


Dietary analyses of 0 year largemouth bass using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios

Natsuru YASUNO (M2), Yuki CHIBA, Kentaro SHINDO, Yasufumi FUJIMOTO, Tetsuo SHIMADA, Shuichi SHIKANO, and Eisuke KIKUCHI [Oral]


(O-9) 16:00-16:15

清末内モンゴル西二盟の官弁開墾に於ける墾務局の構成と役割について  PDF

ゲレルト [Oral]

Structure and role of the bureau of land commission established in the Inner Mongolian western two leagues under the land reclamation policy of Qing in the first decade of the 20th century.                   

Borjigin GERELT (D3) (Oka Lab.) [Oral]


(O-10) 16:15-16:30

ポーラリメトッリクGB-SARによる水田の季節変化のモニタリング  PDF


Monitoring of paddy field seasonal changes by polarimetric GB-SAR

Masayoshi MATSUMOTO (M2), Motoyuki SATO [Oral]


(O-11) 16:30-16:45

貿易に伴うCO2排出量の推計と消費ベースのインベントリ  PDF

金本 圭一朗 (明日香研、M1)

Embodied CO2 emissions in Japan's international trade and consumption-based inventory

Keiichiro KANEMOTO (Asuka Lab, M1) [Oral]


(O-12) 16:45-17:00

伊豆大島火山1951 年溶岩流の表面形態  PDF

小栗尚樹・宮本毅・後藤章夫・谷口宏充 (石渡研)

Surface morphology of the 1951 lava flow, Izu-Oshima volcano

Naoki Oguri (M1), Tsuyoshi Miyamoto, Akio Goto, Hiromitsu Taniguchi (Ishiwatari Lab) [Oral]


ポスター発表 Poster Presentations  Core Time 17:10-18:00 at Meeting Room 436, CNEAS


仙台空港発着便における遅れ・欠航の分析  PDF

加藤寛道・木村裕介・奥村誠 ・塚井誠人

Analysis of Flight Delays and Cancellations at Sendai Airport

Hiromichi KATO (M2), Yusuke KIMURA, Makoto OKUMURA and Makoto TSUKAI [Poster]



川柳にみる江戸時代後期の動物表現に関する研究  PDF


Study about representation of Animals in the late Edo-era

Yoko YASUDA (Hirakawa Lab.) (D2) [Poster]



地域公共交通計画のための住民の生活行動に関する研究  PDF


Study about the daily behavior for local public transportation planning

Shunsuke WATANDO (M2), Makoto OKUMURA and Yoshiyuki TOKUNAGA [Poster]



近世における開発と地域づくり PDF


The development of a region in early modern ages from development of new fields standpoint

Masahiro FUJIOKA (Hirakawa Lab.) (D2) [Poster]



航空旅客の希望出発時刻分布の逆推定  PDF


Reverse Analysis of Preferred Departure Time of Air Passengers

Yusuke KIMURA (M2), Makoto OKUMURA and Maiko SAKAMOTO [Poster]



文禄・慶長の役の伝承に関する研究 ―朝鮮軍記を中心にして―  PDF


Study on transmission of Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592

A Focus on Chosen-Gunki(War Chronicles)―

Chieko ICHINOSE (Hirakawa Lab.) (D3) [Poster]



森林渓流内における落葉分解の進行に伴う微生物群集構造の変遷  PDF


Successional changes of microbial community structures on decaying leaves in forest streams

Masato MIYAOKA (M2) and Shuichi SHIKANO [Poster]



タクシーにおける営業戦略が収入及び事故に与える影響  PDF


Influence which Taxi Operating Strategy has on Income and Traffic Accident

Yasuhiro KAWAGUCHI (M1), Yoshiyuki TOKUNAGA [Poster]



巣材の表面粗さに応答するトビケラの分泌物量  PDF


Silk secretion by the caddisfly Goera japonica for case construction with reference to particle surface texture

Jun-ichi OKANO and Eisuke KIKUCHI [Poster]



カスピ海石油パイプライン建設における提携構造の分析  PDF


An analysis on coalition structure in the case of Caspian oil pipeline construction

Kazuhiro SASAKI (M1), Maiko SATO and Makoto OKUMURA [Poster]



Design and implementation of a Ka band balanced amplifier with six port power divider  PDF

Hamid KIUMARSI (D1, Iran), Motoyuki SATO [Poster]



都市構造再編による公共交通活用のためのゾーン特性分析  PDF


Zonal characteristical analysis for the use of public transport by reorganization of city structure

Ryosuke SHIGIHARA, Makoto OKUMURA [Poster]



Simulation of fracture srufaces by power spectrum fractal model  PDF

Khamis MANSOUR (D1, Egypt), Motoyuki SATO [Poster]



通信技術の発達を考慮した都市間交通流動の経年的分析  PDF


Analysis of inter-city traffic flow concerning development of communication technology

Sho ISHIYAMA, Makoto OKUMURA [Poster]



地雷検知用バイスタティックレーダの開発  PDF


Development of a bistatic radar system for landmine detection

Naoki HAYASHI(D1) and Motoyuki SATO [Poster]



Transprt management in Aobayama Campus  PDF

Calros NAVA and Makoto OKUMURA (Okumura Lab.) (D2) (Mexico) [Poster]



「客観的」なメディアと科学 ―日本におけるIPCCの新聞報道の構造―  PDF

朝山 慎一郎 (明日香研、M2)

Is media and science "Objective"?: the structure of Japanese media's coverage of IPCC

Shinichiro ASAYAMA (Asuka Lab, M2) [Poster]



High resolution 3D GPR applied to archaeology for characterizing accurate subsurface structure  PDF

Mahmoud GABALLAH (D1, Egypt), Mark GRASMUECK and Motoyuki SATO [Poster]



廃ペットボトル排出に関する要因分析  PDF

バヤルサイハン ナランバット (明日香研、M1)

The factor analysis of the wasted PET bottles discharge

Bayarsaikhan Naranbat (Asuka Lab, M1) [Poster]



アレー型指向性ボアホールレーダによるターゲットの三次元位置推定  PDF


Detection of three-dimensional location of targets by Directional Borehole Radar

Takuya TAKAYAMA (D3), Motoyuki SATO [Poster]


懇親会 Get-Together Meeting 18:00-20:00 at Meeting Room 436, CNEAS


