東北大学 東北アジア研究センター 第2回学生研究交流会


Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University

The 2nd Students' Academic Communication Meeting


[東北大学東北アジア研究センター] [石渡ページ]  [CNEAS] [Ishiwatari Page]  


[第1回]  [1st Meeting] [第3回] [3rd Meeting]




開催日 Date      20091019日(月)  Monday, 19 October 2009


口頭発表      14:0016:30東北大学川内北キャンパス   Tohoku University, Kawauchi Campus

Oral Presentations     マルチメディア棟2階大ホール (10件)


ポスター発表   17:00〜 東北アジア研究センター4階436室 (23件)

Poster Presentations         ポスター発表終了後,同室にて懇親会


担当教員 Responsible Professors 石渡 明・奥村 誠 Akira Ishiwatari and Makoto Okumura




プログラム Program


口頭発表 Oral Presentations


14:00 O-01 入部 紘一  IRIBE Koichi (D3) 佐藤研 PDF


Estimation of Underlying Topography in Forested Terrain by means of Pol-InSAR


14:15 O-02 稲澤 努  Tsutomu INAZAWA (D3) 瀬川研 PDF


Ethnic identity and folk culture: a case study of Shanwei City in Guangdong, China


14:30 O-03 森本雄介Yusuke MORIMOTO  (M1) 石渡研 PDF


Petrology and geology of the Nakanotake metagabbro body in the Sagurigawa river basin, Niigata Prefecture, Japan


14:45 O-04 ウランタナUlantana(烏蘭塔娜) (D3) 岡研  PDF

ボグド・ハーン政権成立後に日本が把握したモンゴルに関する情報の情報源について 19128月〜191212月の課程

On the sources of information about Mongolia collected by Japanese agencies after the establishment of Bogdu qaGan government.


15:00 O-05村岡 歩 Ayumi MURAOKAD3)鹿野研 PDF

Sulfate-reducing bacterial community structure in brackish lagoon sediments.

15:15 O-06 Nava Fonseca Carlos Alberto (D3) 奥村研 PDF

Temporal transportation management to decrease the accident risk during the construction of the Tozai subway line.


15:30 O-07 藤岡正裕  Masahiro FUJIOKA 平川研 PDF


Geographical describing of rice-producing region -the case of the Miyagi Prefecture-


15:45 O-08 佐々木和寛 Kazuhiro SASAKI (M2) 奥村研 PDF


Study on Optimal Seismic-Proof Reinforcement Planning, Considering Transportation of Injured People


16:00 O-09 安田容子 Yoko YASUDAD3) 平川研 PDF


Study about animal fanciers and views of animals in the late Edo period


16:15 O-10 金 東勲(キム・ドンフン) KIM Dong Hun (M1) 佐藤研 PDF


Study on investigation of artificial tunnel using cross borehole radar


Poster Presentations

ポスター発表 17:00〜 東北アジア研究センター4階436室



●石渡研究室 Ishiwatari Laboratory

P-01 小栗尚樹Naoki OGURI (M2) PDF


Study on surface morphology of lava flows in the Izu-Oshima Volcano: Recent progress


P-02 伊集院 勇 Isamu IJUIN (B4)

山形最上地方のドレライト PDF

Dolerite in Mogami, Yamagata


P-03 町田怜史 Satoshi MACHIDA (B4) PDF


Petorology of the metamorphic rocks in the southern Mt.Yakeishi and Shirakawa in Mt. Kamuro


P-04 廣井良美 Yoshimi HIROI (B4) PDF


Reconstruction of eruptive sequence of Heian eruption in Towada volcano,northeast Japan


P-05 寺本拓摩 Takuma TERAMOTO (B4) PDF


Intrusive rocks in the west of Sendai city


P-06 佐藤 景 Kei SATO (B4) PDF


Middle Miocene volcanic rocks at the Pacific side of northeast Japan


●磯部研究室 Isobe Laboratory

P-07 佐々木聡Satoshi SASAKID3) PDF


On charm against evil signs and book of divination in the medieval China


●奥村研究室 Okumura Laboratory

P-08 川口康弘 Yasuhiro KAWAGUCHI (M2) PDF


Analysis of transportation policies by using optimal residence and commuting tool allocation model


P-09 高田直樹 Naoki TAKADA (M2) PDF

ランクサイズルールに関する一考察 -多階層支社配置モデルによるミクロアプローチ-

A study of the rank-size rule -A micro approach by hierarchical branch office location model-


P-10 石山翔 Sho ISHIYAMA (M1) PDF

Centrality index for network structure


P-11 鴫原亮介 Ryosuke SHIGIHARA (M1) PDF


A calculation method for the compact city structure having high convenience of transportation.


●佐藤研究室 Sato Laboratory

P-12 ハミス カペェル・アリ マンスレ Khamis Kabeel Ali Mansour (D2) PDF

Mathematical and analytical analysis of electromagnetic scattering from flat and rough single rock fracture


P-13 林  直樹 HAYASHI Naoki          (D2) PDF


3D subsurface imaging without ground reflection and direct wave by using bistatic GPR


P-14 ハミッド・キューマルシ HAMID Kiumarsi (D1)    PDF                

Designing A High Resolution FMCW Radar for Remote Sensing Applications


P-15 松本 正芳 MATSUMOTO Masayoshi (M2) PDF


Polarimetric Calibration of Ground-Based SAR


P-16 李 k宰(イ・ヨンジェ)LEE  Yong Jae (M2)  PDF


Measurement of inside a wall by polarimetic GB-SAR


P-17 唐 一楠(タン・イナン)Tang Yi Nang (M1) PDF

Analysis and interpretation of full polarimetric SAR data


●鹿野研究室 Shikano Laboratory

P-18 高木優也(B4)・鹿野秀一 Yuya TAKAGI1 and Shuichi SHIKANO PDF


The contribution of attached algae to a food web in the Lake Izunuma


●瀬川研究室 Segawa Laboratory

P-19 研究室紹介 PDF


●栗林研究室 Kuribayashi Laboratory

P-20 海蘭 KailanM1) PDF


A Study of Dagur Literature Written in Manchu Script


●佐藤研究室 Sato Laboratory

P-21 Hai Liu, Xiongyao Xie and Motoyuki Sato PDF

Simulation and Suppression of the Rebar Multiple Reflection


P-22 Jiong Chen, Yilun Chen, Jian Yang and Motoyuki Sato PDF

Particle Filter based road detection in SAR images


P-23 Siwei Chen and Motoyuki Sato PDF

Modeling and Simulation of Rotating Targets Imaging in SAR



